Taxation – Business

Our taxation department provides a full range of corporate taxation services & specific taxation advice.


Our taxation department provides a full range of corporate taxation services. At the basic level this comprises the completion and submission of the company self assessment corporation tax return. Whilst this has to be submitted within one year of the company’s financial year end any tax liability is due nine months after the year end, our Tax department makes sure that our corporate clients are aware of their liabilities in plenty of time and do not miss filing deadlines.

We also provide specific advice regarding on such matters as whether certain expenditure is relievable against income, whether certain expenditure is under legislation capital in nature and not revenue. These matters may be basic but are of vital importance to the company in its decision making process and the consequences of different tax treatment can be significant. Clients need to know that they have quick access to reliable service, and this is what we provide.

Corporate Tax Planning

is an invaluable tool available to our clients. This covers a wide range of issues and not just the timing of capital or fixed asset acquisitions. We have extensive experience of advising on the taxation aspects of the purchase and sale of companies through to the more complex matters of corporate reconstructions and restructuring.


We provide a comprehensive advisory service in respect of Value Added Tax. This ranges from assistance with registration and deregistration for VAT to dealing with queries concerning the scope of VAT and how it applies in many unusual but not uncommon circumstances.


We work with clients to help them ascertain whether any expenditure qualifies for Research & Development reliefs. Once identified, we then calculate the maximum relief available before preparing and submitting the claim to HMRC. These reliefs can be very lucrative in reducing tax liabilities or obtaining an R&D credit.

We pride ourselves on making the process simple by providing a complete end to end service.

Send us a message or call 020 8290 1113