Our approach to audits is governed by The International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)). We have to carry out our work in accordance these standards and whilst clients may not always see the benefits of some of the work which we have to do we always endeavour to explain the rationale.
The detailed examination of an organisation that is undertaken during an audit provides a unique opportunity for a fresh pair of eyes to look at the way the organisation is run. All aspects of internal control are considered and assessed. Thus there is an opportunity for us to advise. We may identify how a function whilst adequate could be made more effective. Conversely, we can offer assurance that all functions are working well. We only recommend change where beneficial to the company. We believe in the old adage:
We also act on behalf of Solicitors to confirm compliance with SRA accounting rules.
If a company is not required to have statutory audit we can carry out an Assurance Review which whilst not as comprehensive as a full audit provides confirmation to both the organisation and interested third parties that we have no cause to believe that the accounts do not shoe a true and fair view and not comply with Accounting standards and the companies act.